Welcome to Healthcare Leaders Association of Alabama!

Healthcare Leaders Association of Alabama is a vital resource for healthcare professionals and medical practice executives throughout the state. Through educational programs, mentoring, advocacy and networking, our members attain professional growth and development.  Founded in 1976 under a different brand, Healthcare Leaders Association of Alabama is the voice for the medical group practice profession in the state of Alabama.  

The healthcare industry is ever changing and membership with HLA Alabama helps keep our members current in this dynamic profession.  Whether you are new to medical practice management or a seasoned veteran, membership with HLA ALabama can advance your career and fuel your personal and professional growth.

More than 700 members from across the state rely on the Healthcare Leaders Association of Alabama to serve as their resource for information, education, exchange of ideas and industry contacts so that they can provide quality  management and leadership to their physicians and staff.  Healthcare Leaders Association of Alabama's diverse membership is comprised of administrators, managers, supervisors, faculty, students and other healthcare professionals representing practices of all sizes and specialties. These practices can range from solo, group and rural practices to university-based practices and multi-specialty clinics.

Free Monthly Member Webinars

Tuesday, April 15, 2025 - 12:00 PM CST

Will AI Save Healthcare or Destroy It? - David Powell

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About the Presentation:

Artificial Intelligence has been a hot topic with wildly varying views ranging from how it will change our world for the better to how it is going to take over and rule us all. (Those people may have watched too much Sci-Fi.) The answer, as always, is somewhere in between. How will AI impact our world in both good and bad ways? How do we need to think through the ethical questions this technology will present? Should we regulate it or allow the creators to find all kinds of new use cases? In this talk, David Powell, CRO at Liongard, will break down AI in terms that anyone can understand. He won’t tell you what to think, but he will tell you what to think about in this engaging and informative session. 

About our Speaker: 

David Powell is a twenty-four year veteran of the IT industry, the last twenty spent in managed services. Named one of the “Top 250 People in Managed Services” by MSPmentor for over five years, Powell has worked for three of the Top 100 companies that rank in the MSPmentor 501 each year. Currently, David is the Chief Revenue Officer at Liongard. Powell was a member of the Birmingham Business Journal’s “Top 40 under 40” in 2011, and in 2013, he was named to the publication’s first ever “#40 to Follow List” of executives to follow on Twitter. Powell is a frequent speaker on technology and managed and cloud services, and for three years he cohosted an engaging "Tech Tuesday" segment that aired each week on the local CBS42 affiliate in Birmingham.

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Healthcare Leaders Association of Alabama Summer Conference

July 21-23, 2025

Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort and Spa
Destin, FL

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Sponsorship Prospectus


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P.O. Box 380124
   Birmingham, AL 35238-0124
Phone: (205) 981-0011
Fax: (205) 981-2901